Los Angeles Birth & Family Photographer + Videographer

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small baby, big love

If you  know me, you know that it is nearly impossible for me NOT to fall in love with my clients. (spoiler: I always do!). And of course, this sweet family, with their big beautiful souls and tender connection made me madly in love with this sweet tiny session.  

It is also, always impossible for me to decide WHAT to include in my posts about my clients. Their love?  Their sweet devotion to each other? The mad, insane love they already feel for their newly born child that they just welcomed into the world? I could endlessly repeat myself over, and over, and over IN EVERY SINGLE BLOG post  as I watch parents profess their profound love for these tiny creatures that make us parents. Birth is such a special time, but I don't really believe it ENDS the moment your child is born. –It is really a million of moments that brings you to your baby. It is a never ending changing of becoming something that you never knew could exist in such a bright and loud, and soft and gentle way. 

So we mark our life in moments. In sections. In small pieces and large ones. In tiny laughs and outrageously large tears. Because we don't know any other way. Because we are human. Because we know love.

And I am always honored to document these extraordinary moments, that are simultaneously universal and ever so private.